Sioux Falls’ Tot Lot Program Encourages Free Play with Games and Crafts
Tot Lot is a free program that combines the supervised playground program and the community centers’ play group program offered by Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation into events for children ages 6 years and younger to encourage free play (supervised by parents or guardians) with weekly themes, games, and craft times.
Tot Lot will occur June 11 through July 26, 2018, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at the picnic shelters of Laurel Oak Park on Mondays and Wednesdays and Spellerberg Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This program is not intended as a child care program. Children ages 6 years and younger must be supervised by someone at least 16 years old. The ratio of children 6 years and younger may not exceed five children per one 16-year-old.
Tot Lot is an outdoor program and is weather dependent. If there is inclement weather, the program will be canceled for the day.
For complete information including special events, call 605-367-8222.
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