An Unbelievable School Memory 10 Years Running
We all have stories from when we were sitting in the classroom. Some were silly moments that we forget after a short period of time. But...there is nothing "short" about April 30th, 2010.
I attended Catholic schools my entire life. Up until college, I would wear a uniform every single day. But there were days where I didn't have to wear a jumper or skirt known as, "Out of Uniform Days." We could wear whatever we wanted, which was always "school appropriate." On May 1st, we were allowed to wear shorts until the end of school year.
It was 85 degrees 10 years go on the last Friday in April. This day was an out of uniform day. There were about eight boys from my 8th grade class who came in wearing shorts that day. Our principal (let's call him Mr. V) sent all of the boys back home to change into jeans. Our teachers couldn't believe it, but they went with since it was an order.
Here's what happened...they did not return until lunchtime! The boys did what any 13-year old boys would do; they took advantage of the situation. They ate breakfast at every single house. Naturally, their parents were confused and concerned. The boys told them their story and all the parents did was laugh while offering pancakes.
Back at school, I went to the office to pick up some papers for my teacher. I saw a police officer walking out of Mr. V's office. This is what he said, "So I'm looking for Anthony, Richard, Jon, Joe, Michael, etc." I ran upstairs to share the biggest news of the day. "GUYS!!! Mr. V called the cops on the guys!!! They are looking for them." These were my exact words. This was the moment I knew I was going to be in the media business.
All the teachers could do when the boys returned was listen to details about their exciting morning. My teacher even said she would have done the same thing! It was a day the Class of 2010 will never forget.
What are some of your favorite school memories? They can be as crazy and wild as this one!
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