South Dakota’s Best Under A Grand: Wessington Springs, Pop. 956
Depending on when you visit Wessington Springs you might hear a 'Boom, Boom, Boom'.
Don't be alarmed. It's pheasant season.
Yep, no doubt about it, South Dakota does have a few (actually a whole bunch more than a few) birds to knock down. And the area right around Wessington Springs is a prime spot.
But there's a lot more to this community that is one of South Dakota's best 'Under A Grand'.
The County Seat of Jerauld County was founded way back in 1880...and thank you to the railroad for coming to town! How important was the railroad back there in the 'old days'? Well, think Interstate Highway and jet airplanes...that was pretty much what a rail line meant to those folks back then. And when it came to town, it grew and grew. If it didn't, well, South Dakota does have its fair share of ghost towns, too.
But Wessington Springs did alright (the community was the home of Wessington Springs College) and continues to do alright for a lot of reasons!
Number one, as far as I'm concerned, is the people.
'A great place to spend a day, a weekend or the rest of your life' is a whole lot more than a catchy slogan. With 8 sights on the National Historic Registry, Art and Culture at the restored 1905 Opera House, a great golf course, RV and tent camping and...well, too much more to mention, trust me: It'll probably be more than a day you'll want to spend.
But again, it all comes back to the friendly people. A great school system, a thriving agricultural community, and a bustling business community...heck, truth be known it's a great place to swing into, have a meal and do some old fashioned visiting.
And who knows, that might just be the ticket to the 'rest of your life' part of their slogan.
Oh yeah...and the hunting. Do yourself a favor, when pheasant season comes around head on out to Wessington Springs, spend a spell of time and take home some birds. We have plenty for you!
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