Dogs are truly our best friends. They are with us on our good and bad days. Right now, there's a local Sioux Empire family missing their best friend.

A local Facebook post about a missing South Dakota dog is going viral. This little angel is so young...she's only one year old.

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Her name is Skye and she is a German Shepherd/Siberian Huskey with brown and brown fur. She has been missing since last Wednesday, January 22nd from the east side of Sioux Falls. Not only has Skye been battling the cold, but she is also not familiar with her surroundings.

She and her owners are here visiting family so she is not familiar with her surroundings. She's is skittish and will likely run from anyone who attempts to approach her.
If seen, please ignore her and call the number below with the sighting information.

Skye's family and loved ones are very concerned for her safety. She is "skittish and wants nothing to do with people." The goal is to not push Skye and have her run away even further. Her family explains she has to be humanely trapped.

The good news is that the weather will be warmer this week across the Sioux Falls area. So if you have seen Skype in any part of the Sioux Empire, the best action is to call or text (612)-321-8774. It's highly recommended that you don't approach Skye and instead, completely ignore her. Anyone living on the east side of Sioux Falls is advised to check their home cameras as well.

Let's help bring Skye home to her family!

10 Most Obscure Minnesota Towns

As you are making road-trip plans you might want to see if you can even find some of these Minnesota towns.

Minnesota is the Land Of 10,000 Lakes and 853 towns. Even if you know the state well I'll bet you haven't even heard of Minnesota's 10 smallest towns.

Gallery Credit: Ben Davis

10 Most Dangerous Cities in South Dakota

Cities on the east and west side of the Missouri River have made the latest list of South Dakota's Most Dangerous Cities for 2021.

Roadsnacks recently released its most 'Dangerous Cities' list and here in The Mount Rushmore state there are a few surprises, especially at the top. To determine the most dangerous cities in the state, Roadsnacks looked at the FBI's report on the latest violent crime, along with property crime statistics.

And surprisingly, the town with the most murders per capita in the state has less than 3,000 residents. Take a look at the list below.

For a look at the detailed list, visit Story Source: Roadsncaks

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