Sioux Falls Longtime Newspaper the ‘Shopping News’ Is Closing
It's been around for 80 years, recently moved into a new location, and is now closing its doors.
The Sioux Falls Shopping News has been a staple for garage sale enthusiasts, couponers, and businesses alike since 1939, will be no more after the final issue is published this week.
For some Sioux Falls residents, this news might mean winter could be less complicated. There have been plenty of complaints over the years, of homeowners sucking up the publication into their snowblowers.
According to one homeowner, when this happened to them, "It shears off the pin on your blower blade, and it's happened to me twice, which is no fun when the wind chill is twenty below!!"
Snowblower problems aside, most Sioux Falls residents were used to seeing the small folded newspaper in its wrapper, with all the weekly grocery store ads, coupons, job listings, people advertising their garage and moving sales, and so much more.
In many neighborhoods, the little paper would end up delivered right on your doorstep, but in others, you weren't quite sure where it would end up. (Please refer to the above snowblower issues). Reports of "the shopper" appearing in bushes, flower beds, and under cars, were not uncommon.
All that aside, it is so sad to see another Sioux Falls business calling it quits, especially one with the kind of heritage the Sioux Falls Shopping News has.
Eighty years is a long time to help people buy and sell things, find businesses with goods and services they needed, find jobs and employees - -and much more!
Goodbye Sioux Falls Shopping News.
Source: Sioux Falls Shopping News.
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