Sioux Falls ‘Arc of Dreams’ Now Complete
If you haven't been to downtown Sioux Falls lately, you should really consider going this week if possible to check out the city's new "Arc of Dreams" that is now spanning the Big Sioux River.
As KSFY TV reports, the Arc of Dreams structure was 6 years in the making, and it finally became a reality on Thursday, (June 27) when the second half of the arc was lowered into place that afternoon.
According to KSFY, each piece of the arc spans 135 feet, as both pieces nearly meet in the middle. The gap between the two pieces is meant to symbolize the leap of faith dreamers make to reach their goals.
Arc of Dreams sculptor, Dale Lamphere, told KSFY TV, "It's been a tremendous amount of teamwork involved, I mean it's not possible to do something like this on your own. I would imagine that 100 different people have had a hand in this and that maybe isn't counting the fundraising that went on."
Speaking of all those involved in helping to bring the arc to fruition, KSFY reports that everyone who donated to the project will have their names inscribed on a set of pillars, that will be known as the "Wall of Dreams."
The Arc of Dreams structure, which stands 70 feet tall, can be found between 6th and 8th streets near the downtown area of Sioux Falls.
Source: KSFY TV
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