Arc of Dreams in Sioux Falls will be Lit in Purple and Gold to Support Minnesota Vikings
The Minnesota Vikings will look to follow up their road win against New Orleans with another win on the road this week as they travel to San Francisco.
The Vikings will take on the 49ers on Saturday at 3:35 PM CT on NBC.
As the Vikings travel to the West Coast, the city of Sioux Falls will be supporting them on their journey.
Beginning on Friday at 5 PM the Arc of Dreams in downtown Sioux Falls will be lit in purple and gold lights.
The Arc of Dreams will stay lit until midnight on Friday and will light up again on Saturday at 5:30 AM until sunrise and then once again Saturday night at 5 PM, according to Jeff Hansen who is the media relations rep for the Sculpture Walk.
The Arc was finished this summer and hangs over the Big Sioux River in Sioux Falls.
My only question is how are Packers fans in the area going to respond to this?
Will we see them galvanize and light up Statue of David with green and yellow lights for Sunday's playoff game to support the Packers?
I sure hope so. The more support for regional teams in the NFL playoffs the better!
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