South Dakota’s 10 Most Wanted: Do You Recognize Anyone?
So who are these South Dakota fugitives currently at large?
There is always one person in your life that reminds you to be safe and vigilant when you're out and about. It almost seems a little silly at times. On the other hand, you never know what could happen in this crazy world.
It’s always best to be aware and alert! This includes being able to recognize individuals who are wanted for committing various crimes in the area as well as throughout the state.

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South Dakota's Most Wanted
The South Dakota Department of Corrections and Minnehaha County provide detailed information about fugitives on the run in South Dakota. Keep in mind, most of the fugitives listed are not considered a threat to the public.
Most Wanted South Dakota Criminals
As always, if you happen to see any of these fugitives, the best plan of action is to call the local authorities.
2023 Iowa Fugitives
The Iowa fugitives can be found on websites such as the Plymouth County Sheriff, Sioux County Sheriff, Lyon County Sheriff, and Iowa Sex Offender Registry.
Some of these Iowa fugitives were last seen in South Dakota including right here in Sioux Falls.
As always if you happen to see these fugitives or offenders, the best plan of action is to call the local authorities.
What Did South Dakota's License Plate Look Like the Year You Were Born?
The first number on a South Dakota license plate is the county that the car is registered. For example, Pennington county where Rapid City is has a '2' starting its plates. In Sioux Falls you have either a '1' or a '44' depending on your relationship to 57th street.
When established in 1956 (and revised in 1987) the first nine counties were ordered by population. Starting with 10 they are in alphabetical order through Ziebach, with Oglala Lakota County (65) and Todd (67) rounding out the list.
Today the top 10 plate numbers and populations don't correlate anymore. 1 and 2 are still 1 and 2, but Lincoln (44) is now 3rd in population. Beadle is 4 but it's now 11th in population. See the list by population here.
On January 1, 2023, South Dakota started issuing a new license plate design for license plates.
So, let's take a look back at what South Dakota license plates looked like over the last 100 years.
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