Do We Really Need Back In Only Parking in Sioux Falls?
I admit it, I'm one of those people. I back into parking spaces on a regular basis, but only and I repeat only- -at the laundromat. It just makes unloading monstrous baskets of clothing much easier.
Granted, if I did laundry a little more often, this might not be the monumental problem it is. But the less I do laundry the happier I am. It is almost - -almost worth it to end up washing, drying, folding, and washing & drying & folding for what seems like a month!
Thankfully, my friend Tim has a nice laundromat in southwestern Sioux Falls. So, it makes a truly tedious task a bit more bearable.
But I digress, a lot of the time when you see someone back in, you're thinking, "Oh yes, you're so smart and special that you need to take extra time to back into that spot!"
However, as I previously mentioned there are benefits to it and according to pigeon 605 The city recently installed angled back-in parking at 11th Street and Dakota Avenue alongside EmBe.
One of our city of Sioux Falls engineers realized there was a need to help out parents dropping off & picking up their kids from daycare at EmBe and this just makes it a bit easier.
The approach is considered safer for bicyclists too as opposed to how drivers traditionally back out of parking spaces. Dakota Avenue also includes designed routes for bikes.
The idea behind that is that when you’re parking, you see your surroundings as you’re pulling up to the spot and backing in, and then when you’re leaving, you have a very good visual field of what you see, so if a bike was coming, you would see them. --Heath Hoftiezer
Sounds like a good idea to me. But then I've already admitted I'm a backer-inner kind of person already! What do you think?