Senator Bernie Sanders is joining the list of Democratic Presidential hopefuls making a stop in Iowa. He'll be in Sioux City this Sunday (May 5)

Doors open at 5:00 PM for the 6:30 rally at the Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City, at 528 Pierce Street.

The event is free for anyone to attend, however, the Sanders campaign is asking for RSVPs on their website.

Sanders made a stop in Sioux Falls on the trail for the previous Presidential Campaign in May 2016. He started his speech with a slip of calling Sioux Falls, Sioux City, but quickly recovered after the crowd groaned. He corrected himself and continued on to a forgiving and exuberant crowd.

Sanders platform includes a government approach similar to Commonwealth and European Countries that offer socialized medicine, free tuition, criminal justice reform, and other government programs.

Bernie Sanders website says the campaign is funded by the Sanders for 2020 campaign, and in parenthesis, it exclaims, "not the billionaires"


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