People are usually pretty proud of where they call "home", but this is one turf war that I don't know if people should be proud of.

For years, scientists have been doing studies on why people in relationships cheat on their significant others.The most common reasons include a lack of emotional satisfaction from their partner, someone has just fallen in love with someone else, maybe a partner is seeking revenge on the other person or maybe they are just looking for a "thrill". But now scientists have found another factor that may entice someone to stray from their partner: geography.

Avvo, an online legal service marketplace, recently conducted a survey of more than 2,000 people and found that people who live on the west coast are more likely to cheat on their partners.

Survey results say that about 20 percent of people that live on the west coast admit that they have cheated on their partner. Seventeen percent of people from the south admit to cheating, 16 percent of the people that live in the northeast have cheated and according to the survey, only 10 percent of Midwesterners have been unfaithful.

But why do people tend to cheat more living on the west coast? According to licensed clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula, it's because of the amount of big cities on the west coast. She says,

These cities are filled with transplants. The very personality traits that lead to someone relocating are likely to result in greater openness, and that can also translate into more...behaviors, such as cheating.

But other psychiatrists say that geography really has nothing to do with it - people cheat everywhere. Psychiatrist Gail Saltz, the author of Anatomy of a Secret Life: The Psychology of Living a Lie, says that just because a person lives on the west coast, they shouldn't assume that their partner will cheat. But that also is reversed for people living in the Midwest. Just because they may call the Midwest their home, do not assume that they will never be in a relationship with a cheater.

Of those that admitted to cheating no matter what the location, based on gender, 20 percent of them are men, compared to just 13 percent of women.

Source: Yahoo Health


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