The Top 10 Foods In South Dakota
It's pretty easy to distinguish where a person is from by knowing the most popular food or cuisine in his/her area. For example, I am originally from the Chicagoland area. Most of the time when someone thinks of Chicago two thoughts come to mind: Wrigley Field and Chicago's ever famous deep-dish pizza. Now not all pizza in Chicago is deep-dish, however most people do order this meal when they first visit the city to secure the full Chicago experience.
I wanted to see what food makes South Dakota, and I came across this article from The Argus Leader that ranks the Top 18 foods in the state. But for the sake of time and length, I'll just give you the Top 10 and my take on them.
***Sidenote: This order is actually alphabetical (Ha)! But who knows, this could be how you rank the Top 18 foods in South Dakota.
The Top 10 Foods In South Dakota
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