Howdy, everybody!

I thought I'd give you an update on my situation since I haven't been able to shoot the breeze with you in quite some time, playing that real country music variety we all love and of course our 'Mess Mandatory Merle!'

As you know (or maybe not), I was diagnosed with Stage III Colo-Rectal cancer back in early March. Not the kind of news an 'ol bald skinny guy like me likes to hear, but I became a member of the Cancer Club (five years ago my brother also became a member and he's still upright and walking the planet, bless his heart).

L to R: Christine Manika, Alan Helgeson, Andy Gott, Randy McDaniel
L to R: Christine Manika, Alan Helgeson, Andy Gott, Randy McDaniel

And so the journey began. I've made it through the twenty-five radiation treatments and the first 150 chemo pills in pretty doggone good shape. The big thing is, I've never had a problem with too much weight (I'm on the slender side) and now it's become a real tussle. But all-in-all, I'm doing ok.

Now I'm into what I call Phase Two of this cancer trip. I'm having several months of Chemo infusions along with more...wait for it...Chemo pills! So for me, 2024 will go down as the 'Summer of Chemo'. The good news is, all seems to be rolling along.

Randy McDaniel
Randy McDaniel in the studio.

And the blessing in all this? There are many. I have the best family, better than I deserve (You've heard me talk on-air about them). And so many friends, including all those here at the radio ranch. I'm just bummed I'm not there daily to continue to impart my old-man wisdom on Andy and Christine, but they'll have to struggle along.

And I miss you, the McDaniel Mess' listeners who put up with me every afternoon. You and I have a particular special relationship I cherish. I appreciate your prayers, wishes, and support.

Randy McDaniel

So to wrap up (geez, doesn't this guy ever shut up), I'm going through what some of you (or someone you love) have gone through. And, God willing, all will be well.

There are good days and not-so-good days. But please know, that I appreciate you.

- Randy

Randy's Minnesota Memories

Randy McDaniel grew up on a small farm near Leota, Minnesota during the classic baby-boomer years of the 1960s and 1970s. These are his stories of growing up in the idyllic world of southwest Minnesota.

Gallery Credit: Randy McDaniel

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