Stressed? Take A Minute And Look At A Photo That Made You Smile
It's stressful, these times we're currently living in. Confusing and chaotic. Heck, it's hard to remember what day it is!
It's easy to get into an uneasy rut. We're all watching and listening to the news to get the latest information, the latest updates, the latest numbers. It can be overwhelming.
So do something that is easy and maybe a little different.
Take out your phone or maybe that long 'put away' photo album or scrapbook. Take a look back to the 'normal' time (6 weeks ago or so?) and find those photo's and images that make you smile. That make your heart light. That makes your brain realize what you had and what you still have if you look for it.
For me it's the photo above. It was just this past Christmas, you remember, when we could all get together in bunches? The kids and the grandkids made their traditional trip up here to Sioux Falls. Among the other stuff we did was a trip to the Sertoma Butterfly House. That is SUCH a cool place and yes, there's about a million different kinds of Butterfly's (or is it 'Butterflies?) and they're everywhere. On your hand. On your shoulder. On your head. Maybe in your mouth if you're not careful!
We all loved it and made a treasured family memory or two or three.
That's Grandpa and Grandma up there with the five grandkids. For me, anytime I need a smile, I pull up a picture of any of the grandkids and I'm good to go. And that hasn't really changed during this current pandemic. Heck, a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago I'd pull out a picture of any or all of them and ...
So get away from the 'current situation' a bit. Pull out the photo album or scroll through the smartphone. Sip on a beverage and do yourself a favor.
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