Your Stress Stresses Out Your Dog, So Chill
It's been a long day. I mean, a really long day. Things just didn't go well at work. And speaking of work, there's too much of it to get done in a day. You're on edge. Tense.
Or maybe it's a relative. Maybe mom, maybe dad, maybe son or daughter or...someone. For whatever reason, things are, shall we say, awkward with them. And that puts you in a less than good mood.
Or maybe it's something else. It could be anything I suppose.
Anyway, you finally get home, close the door, have a beverage of your choice and fairly collapse on the sofa. And here he comes. Your dog. And he knows. Not sure exactly how, but he knows.
And now he's stressed, too.
Sound a little weird?
National Geographic is reporting on a study that was done. And that study found that whatever feeling a dog owner has, the dog can, and probably will, have it, too. Stress? Yes. Fear? Yep. Somehow it can transfer from you to Fido...or Rex...or Ruff, or whatever moniker you gave your four-legged friend.
They say your dog likely picks up on subtle changes their owner exhibits, things like pacing, nail biting, irritability and even body odor changes. In other words, your dog reads your emotions and responds accordingly. You always thought your dog was a smart pooch and now it's confirmed.
Read the entire article here and chill out. Maybe when you get home, relax and snuggle up with your dog. He'll like it, and so will you.
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