South Dakota’s Best ‘Under A Grand': Lake Preston, Population 553
It's not easy getting mail to Lake Preston in the wintertime.
Oh wait, let me correct that...
It used to be not easy getting mail to Lake Preston in the wintertime.

If you're a fan of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books (and aren't we all?), you know that the Ingalls clan lived in DeSmet, South Dakota. (Yes you guys who only know the TV series, the Ingalls didn't live in Walnut Grover their entire existence on the planet). Well in The Long Winter book, Laura talks about how a neighbor volunteered a to make a mail run during a winter blizzard from DeSmet to Lake Preston...a long and dangerous run of some 12 miles!
But don't worry, Lake Preston is an easy drive from 'pert near anywhere in South Dakota these days, located right there in east central South Dakota in Kingsgbury County. And with 553 of the best folks in the state living there, Lake Preston is the 112th largest town in the state and you may want to do more than just visit! Once you experience the fine dining, convenient shopping, the beautiful city park and more, you might think 'Hmm, this wouldn't be such a bad place to live'...and you'd be right!
Yep, from 1879 when it was founded right up until today Lake Preston has been one of the best 'Under A Grand' communities in the state...and the Welcome Mat is open for you right now!
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