Sioux Falls is Electing a New Mayor in April. Meet The Candidates
Current Sioux Falls mayor Mike Huether is at the end of his time as the mayor of our city. That mean we get to choose a new one this year. Seven people are running for the top office in town.
But, who are these people that will be in charge of plowing the streets? And when is this election? Well, my friend, here are the answers.
The Sioux Falls regular Municipal election will be on Tuesday, April 10. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Then a runoff election will be held May 1, 2018. The voter registration deadline for this election is March 26, 2018. Absentee voting will begin on the same day.
One woman and six men are running for Sioux Falls mayor in 2018. Here who they are and links to their campaign sites for you learn more about them.
- Via Twitter @letsgojosf
Via Twitter @letsgojosf Jolene Loetscher
Entrepreneur and advocate - letsgojo.com
- kennyandersonjr4mayor.com
kennyandersonjr4mayor.com Kenny Anderson Jr.
Current City Council Member and financial services - kennyandersonjr4mayor.com
- Via Facebook facebook.com/jimforsiouxfalls/
Via Facebook facebook.com/jimforsiouxfalls/ Jim Entenman
Current City Council Member and business person - jimentenmanforsiouxfalls.com
- Via Twitter @jamisonformayor
Via Twitter @jamisonformayor Greg Jamison
Former Council Member and business person - jamisonformayor.com
- Via Twitter @paultenhaken
Via Twitter @paultenhaken Paul TenHaken
Entrepreneur - tenhakenformayor.com
- davidzformayor.org
davidzformayor.org David Zokaites
Technology Administrator - davidzformayor.org
Mike Gunn
Retired businesses person - Facebook.com/MikeGunnforMayor
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