Open Letter: Why Do South Dakota Drivers Park Like Idiots?
Disclaimer: Not all drivers in South Dakota are reckless parkers. It's just always a good idea to be kind to your neighbor on the road and in the parking lot.
Whether there is snow on the ground or bright green grass, people in South Dakota don't believe in parking spaces. The lines just somehow disappear when they park their vehicle. It's truly a magic trick.
What gives? Are people in South Dakota careless? Are drivers running so late to a meeting that they can't afford a little car etiquette? Apparently, drivers in South Dakota who intentionally do awful parking jobs have their reasons.
There are some people in the office that really don't believe in staying in the lines of a parking lot. However, this problem is beyond the workplace. You see horrid parking jobs from reckless South Dakota drivers at the store, church, or at schools. Not to mention the drivers who park in handicapped spots...that's a different issue. Overall, bad parking is a universal problem.
So why are drivers so negligent in parking lots? One of my co-workers says he's one of many truck drivers who can admit he takes up at least two parking spaces. Who is this co-worker? The suspect is...Alan Helgeson.
Alan believes, "The taller the truck, the more room you need. It's science Manika. Look it up." Alan also claims that he is a "creative person" who doesn't believe in straight lines. It's a very insightful answer. However, being creative doesn't mean you're entitled to break the rules of the road.
To give you an idea of Alan's parking, here is a photo I took standing in the spot directly behind his vehicle. He's creating his own lines!
Do you think South Dakota drivers are careless in parking lots? Why do you think South Dakota drivers park like jerks?