Game Plan 4 Hope Brings Awareness To Spinal Injuries
Imagine having your whole life altered within seconds and suddenly you have nowhere or no one to turn too. That's exactly what happened to Jeff and Missy Bass when their son, Trenton, sustained a traumatic football injury.
Moments before the second game of his senior year ended, Trenton was on the defensive side of the ball and went to tackle the running back on the opposing team who was coming fast and furious from the opposite side of the field. Trenton's head hit the front of that running back's leg. Trenton felt the force of the player's thigh through his own helmet. Trenton immediately landed on the ground, and he knew from that moment that he could not move anything.
CT scans showed that Trenton broke his C5 and C6 vertebra, which basically meant his broken vertebrae were pinching his spinal cord. Trenton endured a long, incredibly difficult surgery with the love, support, and prayers of family and friends, however, he is now considered a quadriplegic. He is on track to becoming a Mechanical Engineer at SDSU. He will not let his physical limitations define his future. It was through Trenton's strength that inspired Jeff and Missy to create a new organization, Game Plan 4 Hope.
According to Missy, their family's world was turned upside, and they noticed there was not an organization to support kids with spinal cord or traumatic injuries and their families. Game Plan 4 Hope provides financial and emotional support, spiritual guidance, and equipment that quadriplegics might need such as wheelchairs, rehab tables, and Hoyer lifts.
One other family helped inspire this organization. Aaron and Heather Erickson's son, Ethan, lost his relentless fight with Burkitt Lymphoma/Leukemia at the young age of 12. Ethan battled cancer for 18 months until October 13, 2019, when he passed. Aaron and Heather Erickson joined with Jeff and Missy Bass to create Game Plan 4 Hope. Read Ethan's story here.
Both families understand what other families go through when a child experiences a life-changing injury or illness, so Game Plan 4 Hope helps others through the trials and tribulations. This assistance could be financial in nature or simply gestures of emotional and spiritual support when helping families determine their action plans. "We plan to work with families we become aware of that are in local hospitals, children’s hospitals and, hospice, along with volunteers to help provide some or all of the following:
- Gift Cards providing money for Gas/Meals
- Comfort Kits/Gift Bags
- Special Holiday Events
- Donate needed Medical Equipment or Supplies
- Being a Friend to offer spiritual and emotional support"
Game Plan 4 Hope is still in its beginning phases, however, they do intend to expand its programs for children with cancer and other traumatic injuries. They are in the process of purchasing a building to hold an office and all of their medical equipment. They'll need some volunteers to get that space up and running.
Click here to learn more about this great organization along with ways that you can help. Their Charity Poker Run on Friday, August 21st in Brandon would be a great way to start, which benefits Game Plan 4 Hope.
You can also visit Game Plan 4 Hope at the upcoming Automania event on Saturday, August 22nd at the Springbrook Golf Course in Beaver Creek, Minnesota.