Want the quick answer to this ridiculous statement? Absolutely not. However, it is an interesting proposal that makes sense on several levels.

Recently, Iowa Republican State Senator Mike Bousselot of District 21 made headlines when he said: "Make Minnesota Iowa Again". But exactly how would that work? And why is it appealing to some in the Hawkeye State?

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Which Minnesota Counties Does Bousselot Propose Annexing?

Credit: WHO via YouTube
Credit: WHO via YouTube

Rock, Nobles, Jackson, Martin, Faribault, Freeborn, Mower, Fillmore, and Houston counties, all of which border Iowa.

Our new Iowans, former Minnesota residents, will have lower income, sales, business taxes. A more farm-friendly state. And a better managed state.

-Mike Bousselot, Republican State Senator, Iowa


The Legislative Hurdles

Changing state boundaries is no small feat. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, adjustments to state lines require the approval of the legislatures of the states involved and Congress. This means the proposal would first need to pass through the Minnesota and Iowa legislatures, where it would undoubtedly face fierce debate. Minnesota lawmakers would likely resist ceding any part of their state, particularly due to the economic and cultural significance of the counties in question.

Even if both states agreed, the proposal would need Congressional approval. Historically, Congress has been reluctant to entertain border changes unless there is overwhelming support from both states and the affected population. This brings another challenge: the residents of these nine counties. A referendum would likely be necessary to gauge public support, and given the deep ties these communities have with Minnesota, the outcome is far from predictable.

What Do These Counties Have in Common with Iowa?

While Minnesota and Iowa are distinct in many ways, the nine southern counties share notable similarities with their neighbors to the south. For starters, this region is agriculturally focused, much like Iowa. Crops like corn and soybeans dominate the landscape, and rural communities often prioritize farming and agricultural industries.

Culturally, the area is known for its Midwestern sensibilities—strong community ties, conservative values, and a slower pace of life. Politically, many of these counties lean Republican, aligning more closely with Iowa’s political landscape than the more progressive tendencies of the Twin Cities-dominated Minnesota.

Economically, cross-border commerce and workforce mobility are common. Residents of these counties often shop, work, or seek services in nearby Iowa cities, fostering a sense of shared regional identity.

The Bottom Line

The proposal to redraw state lines may seem improbable, but it underscores the complex interplay of geography, politics, and culture in shaping state identities. While it’s unlikely these nine counties will ever officially join Iowa, the discussion serves as a reminder of how interconnected our communities are, regardless of where lines on a map fall.

To learn more about the proposed annexation, check out the YouTube clip from WHO below.

Story Source: CBS News Website

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