Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive
Not too long ago, having a beard was not the thing to have if you were a man looking for love. Now (surprisingly) women want a man with a little scruff.
Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia wanted to conduct a study to see if beards played as an attraction role in a long-term relationship. The study reported by the New York Times states, "The team gathered data from 8,520 women, who were divided among three groups. Each group of women was shown pictures of men with varying degrees of facial hair. The images, which had been manipulated by the research team to show the same men more or less bearded, showed the men with clean-shaven faces, light stubble (five days of growth) heavy stubble (10 days of growth) and a thick beard representing about one month of growth." The results: women loved the heavy stubble followed by the classic "five o'clock shadow."
However, men with a clean-shaven face and full beards are considered the lowest rank on the study's "sexiness" scale. Personally, I think a guy is attractive with a five o'clock shadow.
Ladies...what are your thoughts?
Source: New York Times