To Tweet or Not to Tweet — the Smackdown in Pierre
KSOO producer Dan Peters was following Twitter during The Patrick Lalley Show on Wednesday.
"Uh oh," he said during a commercial break.
"What's that?" I said.
"Stace Nelson and Deb Peters are fighting on Twitter."
"What about?"
"I'm not really sure. Something about Gear Up and the GOAC."
We went back to doing the show but later we dug back in to find out what was going on that caused Stace and Deb -- both state senators -- to throw down in public.
What we found was a bare-knuckled Twitter brawl over who should testify before GOAC (Government Operations and Audit Committee) that is investigating the Gear Up scandal (That's the one where the people running and education cooperative in Platte are accused of misappropriating some cash, which is believed to have led to the murder-suicide of an entire family in a Platte fire.)
It was a terrible tragedy in Platte that was playing out like a Shakespearian tragedy -- or comedy -- in Pierre.
Dan's idea? Play it like Shakespeare. So on Thursday, that's what we did. You can listen to the result below or click here.
The fight between Nelson and Deb Peters continued Thursday over our tweets about their tweets. Maybe we'll do Scene 2 today (Friday) from 3 to 5 p.m. on 1140 KSOO.
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