I grew up on the North End of Sioux Falls, one in a long line of Lalleys who still hold ground around Terrace Park. I graduated from O'Gorman High School and the University of South Dakota. Following college, I was fortunate to spend more than two decades in journalism in South Dakota and Iowa. I love the give and take of good civic discourse, history and politics. To gain some sort of perspective on the world, I try to read books, primarily fiction for true perspective. My musical tastes were formed primarily obscure -- to most people -- pop and punk music from the '80s and '90s, though in truth any sort of jangly, smart pop music can get my attention.
Patrick Lalley
A Message from Sioux Falls for President Donald Trump
I had this message for President Donald Trump on the Patrick Lalley Show on Friday: The president of the United States is Sioux Falls right now, at least that was the plan. About the only way you’d know is that you probably can’t drive on Minnesota or Russell from the airport to the convention center.
Rotary Park Reconstruction Includes Substantial Bridge
It's been a challenging summer for the crews working on the new Rotary Park near the intersection of Southeastern Avenue and East 26th Street.
Connections in Copper Lounge Collapse Open Door to Dark Corners [OPINION]
The latest turn in the Village on the River project in downtown Sioux Falls was announced by Mayor Paul TenHaken last week.
Total Cost of Sioux Falls School District Bond a Legitimate Question [OPINION]
The debate over a $190 million bond vote to build some new schools in Sioux Falls is heating up. It's a big number that has raised eyebrows in the city, to be sure.
Neighbors Could Lead Us Out of Two-Party Gridlock [OPINION]
I talk about David Brooks of the New York Times quite a bit on the Patrick Lalley Show. That's because he's very good.
Sioux Falls School Plan Has Big Sticker Shock [OPNION]
The task force charged with assessing the building needs of the Sioux Falls Public School District released their report last week. And it was a doozy.
Good News on Trade Buried in Trump’s Testy Week [OPINION]
President Donald Trump had quite a week. From the FBI searching his personal lawyer's office, to pardoning Scooter Libby, to the first early details of the James Comey book, to finishing up the week with launching a round of missiles into Syria, it's fair to say that, even for Trump, it was eventful.
City Election Results Signal Shift in Demographics, Attitude [OPINION]
The results of the city election on Tuesday (April 10) were something of a repudiation of the current state of local government.
Don’t Muzzle Free Speech for Sake of Council Convenience [OPINION]
There’s been a fair amount of comment on the radio waves and elsewhere this week about public input at City Council meetings.
South Dakota Loses in a Trade War with China [OPINION]
Where did we think this tariff thing was going to go? The daily escalation of threats and saber rattling between the Trump Administration and China started with steel and aluminum and has -- predictably -- landed in the lap of South Dakota farmers.