DSU. Dakota State University. It's one of South Dakota's finest institution's of higher learning. Located in beautiful Madison, South Dakota, there are graduates living and working all across South Dakota, the United States and around the world.

But Dakota State University wasn't always Dakota State University. As a matter of fact, it's been a lot of names, a whole lot of names!

Founded in 1881 as Madison Normal School, it was in fact the very first school dedicated to training teachers in the Dakota Territory. With statehood coming in 1889, the school became the Eastern State Normal School.

And over the next years and decades, the school would be known as Dakota Normal School, Dakota State Normal School and General Beadle State College (named after a former president of the institution). In fact, I'm old enough to remember seeing the name 'General Beadle State' on TV sportscasts!

It was in 1969 that the South Dakota legislature renamed the college Dakota State College. And so it stayed that way until...

...1989 when the institution was named Dakota State University. And so it is now, or until it will be changed again!

But one thing hasn't changed, it was and remains one of South Dakota's finest schools, and is the home of the Trojans!

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