Is The Best South Dakota College Still in Sioux Falls? Is The Best South Dakota College Still in Sioux Falls? Surprisingly, this Sioux Falls university didn't make the listChristine ManikaChristine Manika
Meet the South Dakota College and University Mascots [Gallery]Meet the South Dakota College and University Mascots [Gallery]The college football experience is an ultimate high for football fans and it takes several other teams to make that happen week after week during the season.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Dakota State U. Announces New $90 Million Focus on Cybercrime!Dakota State U. Announces New $90 Million Focus on Cybercrime!Cybercrime continues to grow globally and Dakota State University intends to expand its fight against it!Patty DeePatty DeeDakota News NowDakota News Now
University of Sioux Falls Basketball Tonight, Men & WomenUniversity of Sioux Falls Basketball Tonight, Men & WomenThe young season for college basketball has a double-header tonight at the Stewart Center.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
The Best College In South Dakota? Right Here In Sioux Falls The Best College In South Dakota? Right Here In Sioux Falls Love school? Great! Check out these great colleges in South Dakota.Christine ManikaChristine Manika
Why Are Dakota State University Students Finding Success So Fast?Why Are Dakota State University Students Finding Success So Fast?Great programs, great teachers, great facilities- -yes- - but the real reason is the result of those factors.Patty DeePatty DeeDakota News NowDakota News Now
The Many Names of Dakota State UniversityThe Many Names of Dakota State UniversityThe Many Names of Dakota State UniversityRandy McDanielRandy McDaniel
Game Technology vs Your HealthGame Technology vs Your HealthDakota State University students get it, and got it. Awarded $13K from the Sanford Health Tech Summit.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Public Safety Leader Taking Job at Dakota State UniversityPublic Safety Leader Taking Job at Dakota State UniversityThe head of South Dakota's Department of Public Safety is leaving to take a job with Dakota State University.Associated PressAssociated Press
South Dakota Technical School Enrollment Up, Universities DownSouth Dakota Technical School Enrollment Up, Universities DownA South Dakota education trend is revealing an increase in enrollment in technical schools, while those taking university courses is declining.Beth WardenBeth Warden