Sports Expo Features Events to Test, Play, Learn
Raise your hand if your kids are spending too much time in front of a computer or TV with a game controller. Uh-huh! Here to rescue parents is the KSFY Sports Expo coming to Sioux Falls.
On March 15 and 16 at the Sioux Falls Convention Center KSFY has designed an event to show kids and their parents all of the amazing activities they can participate in and let them experience the activities available in our communities, our schools, and our state.
And it's the same weekend of the State Class A Basketball Tournament.
In late 2018 KSFY hosted a poll that found more and more parents feel their children are spending too much time gaming. The results of the poll found that 98 percent of respondents said their children spent time gaming, with 75 percent saying they felt they gamed too much. Almost half of respondents, 46 percent, said their children game 3-4 hours a day, and 32 percent game 5-plus hours a day.
The purpose of the KSFY Sport Expo is to promote healthy, active lifestyles for children and parents alike. However, it also serves to introduce parents and their children to the many alternatives to spending excessive amounts of their lives in front of a video screen.
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