What was the result of 261 calls to South Dakota's TIP Line? Tips from local citizens in the past year have led to 146 arrests and $31,000 in fines.

South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks officer Joe Keeton said last year's number of arrests through the "Turn in Poachers" - or "TIPS" - hotline was the highest in program history. He said while the program offers rewards, many people call because they can't live with their conscience if they don't.

The TIPS program in our state is a very important resource for two reasons. Catching those who illegally hunt, fish or trap. And doing the right thing.

Our biggest hunting season is fast approaching and the pheasant numbers this season according to the Game, Fish and Parks Department are looking promising. South Dakota pheasant season begins October 6 for youth.

Ever since I completed the hunter safety course as an early teen hunting and fishing have been very important to me. Enjoying my time outdoors. Eating what was harvested. And the social connection that's gained with fellow hunters.

Guns up and be safe.

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