South Dakota’s Best ‘Under A Grand': Stickney Population 284
Sure, we have great Interstates running though our state, going East and West, North and South. They can sure get you there in a hurry. But...
...why always be in a hurry? Heck, you miss some of the coolest things and nicest people when you just zip along the Interstate.
Welcome to Stickney, one of South Dakota's best 'Under A Grand'.
There's over 280 friendly folks there, so get ready to receive a friendly wave when you motor into town. Located just 8 miles south of that busy beaten path called Interstate 90 on Highway 281 (a beautiful scenic drive in its own right), you'll love slowing down your life a bit and enjoying so many things!
(And by the way, if you love to pheasant hunt this is the area for you!)
While Stickney is well over a hundred years old, it has a vibrant and progressive business community and believe me, you'll want to spend some time in one of the most beautiful parks you've ever been in. And yes, campsites are available. And while you're in town check out the historic William P. Smith house which was built way back in 1914.
But really, truly...most of all its the people.
I may be a little biased, being from a small town myself, but I'll tell you this: When you stop in Stickney, get ready for a warm, friendly visit. You'll learn some things and make a brand new friend.
And that is why Stickney is one of South Dakota's best 'Under A Grand' and definitely a place you should visit.
Oh...and good hunting to you!
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