Sioux Falls Cranks Up Air Conditioning, Tries To Cool Down
Have I mentioned I hate winter? Or maybe not winter as much as this time of winter.
February. Bah humbug. While the rest of the country is looking forward to, and celebrating, the beauty and warmth of Valentine's Day, I'm staggering along in my oversized huge down filled old parka, a stocking cap pulled down low over my beautifully sculpted bald head, and glaring at those Valentine Day cards on everyone's desk.
There's only one good thing about February.
Pitchers and catchers report to baseball spring training soon. And that must mean spring is on the way.
I try to will my way to spring and summer. I tell myself hey, this is the land of infinite weather variety, right? My friend across the hall at work Danny V. wrote a cool (I mean cold) story about the coldest days in Sioux Falls history. Apparently, our great-great Grandparents had a heck of a time here back in 1899.
But that story didn't exactly warm me up and put me in a better mood.
So I thought, hey, let's sit back and daydream about the other side of that weather fence, the hottest day in Sioux Falls recorded weather history.
It's June 21, 1988. Crank up that air conditioner and sip on that beautiful ice cold Grain Belt Longneck...ahh. The Sioux Falls temperature is officially 110 degrees, and as I look out on this February day at the snow, the blowing snow and a wind chill of waaay below zero, that sounds just fine.
But of course, the boss wanders by and asks if I'm daydreaming again. Gee, no boss, as I shuffle a bunch of papers and try to look busy.
Of course, in the middle of summer when it's those 'dog days', I'll whine to my co-workers about how darn hot it is. Of course, I will. I think they enjoy it.
But until then, I guess I'll zip up the 'ol parka, put on the close and stocking cap and venture out. Here in South Dakota, we love the change of seasons. Contributed To This Article