Now that the weather is warm again, my wife and I have started going on frequent after- dark walks with our two hounds most nights to get some exercise for ourselves and our two very hyper-active Wire Fox Terriers. If they don't get a long walk each day, they don't sleep, which means we don't sleep.

Anyway, one night while on a walk, I couldn't help but notice that one of the houses we passed on our walking route had a green bulb inside their porch light. I remember thinking to myself, dude, it's June! The holiday season is over time to swap out the Christmas lights already!

After seeing this green porch light inspired me to do a little research. Come to find out, this person wasn't a Christmas loving, lazy home owner. They were actually a household saluting our veterans and the military.

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According to an article from a website called, back in 2013, Walmart started a campaign called "Greenlight a Vet." The campaign was designed to inspire residents within communities to display a green porch light in order to show appreciation for all of our veterans across the nation. It was also created to help guarantee jobs for honorably discharged U.S veterans after they returned home from service.

Green is a color that symbolizes renewal, generosity, luck, and hope. Walmart's plan behind the "Greenlight a Vet" initiative was the hope that people would begin to create a new conversation in the country about making U.S. veterans valued members of every community.

Speaking of valuing our U.S. men and women service members, my wife recently chaperoned a 79-year-old Vietnam veteran to Washington DC as part of the Honor Flight program in May.

She says it was one of the most rewarding experiences of her entire life.

Jerry, her 79-year-old vet, was so appreciative of the opportunity to travel to DC with other veterans to see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, and other landmarks.

He was also so very moved by the outpouring of support all the veterans received along the journey and once they returned home to Sioux Falls later that night. Many of those veterans never got the opportunity to experience that kind of loving support and gratitude from members of their communities once they returned home from active duty.

In my opinion, we can never show enough love, support, and appreciation to our valued U.S. veterans. They helped to provide the very blanket of freedom we citizens get to enjoy each day in this country.

So, the next time you're at the store, you might consider purchasing a green bulb to display outside your home. It's a simple and easy way to honor this country's finest men and women, our brave U.S. service members.

Source: Taste of Home


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See Some of Sioux Falls' Beautiful Murals [PHOTOS]

I was in Canton, SD, and I happened upon a new mural.

It was really cool and that got me thinking that I know of a few murals in Sioux Falls, but I bet there's more than I realize. So, I put it out on social media for the people of Sioux Falls to tell me where all the murals are!

A few of them I had never seen, or never even been to that part of town, and a few of them, I drive by all the time and never noticed!

I know a few businesses have murals inside their establishments, but I decided to keep it to murals that are totally open for the public to see. No need to be 21!

So, here we go! Let's check out some of Sioux Falls' murals.
Did I miss one? Let me know!

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