Nursing Home Not Far From Sioux Falls added to Federal Watch List
Making sure our loved ones are getting the utmost care at long-term facilities is one of the most important decisions we can make. And while the vast majority of nursing homes are unequivocally safe, there are a few outliers, even in our neck of the woods.
Iowa Capital Dispatch recently pointed out some of the lowest-rated nursing homes in the Hawkeye State and one of them is just a hop skip and a jump from the Sioux Falls Metro area.

The Rock Rapids Health Center's long-term facility in Rock Rapids, Iowa received a one-star rating from the federal government in 2021 and was subsequently fined $216,869. It is managed by Arboreta Healthcare of Florida and has an occupancy of 44 beds.
According to Iowa Capital Dispatch, Medicare went so far as suspending payments to the facility in August of 2020 and January 2021.
Here is a portion of what Iowa Capital Dispatch had to say about the Rock Rapids Health Centre's long-term care facility:
Last November, state inspectors substantiated 10 separate complaints against the home, although no citations were issued or fines imposed. The home had four different administrators over the course of 10 months in 2022, had lost long-distance service due to a failure to pay bills, and had been so short-staffed that the head of maintenance and other non-medical staff had been asked to work as nurses’ aides.
-Iowa Capital Dispatch Website
To read the full article from Iowa Capital Dispatch, click the link here.
Story Source: Iowa Capital Dispatch
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