Jingle Bells Could Be Hazardous To Your Health
The first time you hear it, you smile. The second and third and fourth time, it still warms your heart. By the thousandth time it enters your ears, and it's not even Thanksgiving, you've had enough.
Christmas music. Songs for the season. Holiday favorites, over and over and over.
Have you noticed it yet? If not, get ready. Every store you walk into will be playing some version of 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' or 'Jingle Bells' or 'It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year' or (get ready for it) 'Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer'.
But hey, they're our favorite songs this time of year and it's all good, right?
Well, maybe not. Experts say that beyond just plain getting tired of Christmas themed tunes, they can actually remind us of the financial and emotional stress that can come with the holidays. In other words, they say those songs about jingling bells, snow, sleighs and that jolly old man in red reminds people of their holiday obligations.
According to a survey from the American Psychological Association well over half of the people said yes, they experience stress during the holiday season, even more than normal.
So just relax. Heck, your kids are singing along with 'It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year', so you should, too. Because it is. Just enjoy it.
And remember beginning December 26th Grandma won't get run over again until next Thanksgiving.
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