Almost Country: James Taylor ‘Sweet Baby James’
I first heard James Taylor on record back in the 1970's. I loved his voice and thought very early on that he was one great songwriter.
I was right.
Taylor had so many great songs, tunes like You've Got A Friend, Carolina On My Mind and the huge hit Fire and Rain, along with so many more.
In February of 1970 he released his album'Sweet Baby James, and when I heard the title cut I thought 'Wow, this guy could be Country'. Something of a Cowboy song, it's a beautiful cut.
But James Taylor never did 'go country'. In fact, I would argue he never did go 'pop' or 'rock' either. What he did do was go 'James Taylor Music'.
So here's James Taylor on stage singing Sweet Baby James, telling us about a Cowboy that lives on the range.
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