When a family member is deployed the emotional issues are easy to identify. Separation anxiety, loneliness, impatience, and withdrawal, are part and parcel to that experience. What may not be as apparent is- -everything else.

Juggling childcare with work, paying bills, grocery shopping, home maintenance and unexpected expenses like car problems, trips to the emergency room, and a dead water heater, are just a few of the unforeseen stressful circumstances which loved ones at home may face.

The most interesting thing is, they're not complaining. These individuals and families are just doing their best every day, to live as normal a life as possible, while the military person they love is serving across the country, or across the planet.

There is a way to let them know they are thought about and supported here. Homefront Warriors Foundation has made it their mission to help families with some of those everyday unexpected events and expenses. They've helped to pay for daycare, car and home repairs, provide meals, form support groups and more.

Their current project is putting together care packages/baskets and they are seeking sponsors and donations to reach their goal of 1,000 of these. The donation is $45 per care package and you can donate online at the Family Strong Care Package Drive sponsor page.

For more information see Homefront Warriors Foundation, Inc. on Facebook or contact Chantel Olsen through her website or by calling 605-376-9697.


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