Corn Harvesting Underway In South Dakota
It doesn't seem all that long ago we were seeing corn and soybeans just peeking up out of the ground.
My, my...how times flies.
The Federal Agriculture Department says that corn harvesting is underway here in the Sunshine State.
The latest weekly crop reports reveals that 2% of the corn crop is in the bin, while 6% of the soybeans are harvested. Winter Wheat is approaching about one-third complete. As far as topsoil and subsoil moisture is concerned, supplies are reported as being adequate.
Pasture and range conditions? They're rated 42% good to excellent condition.
So the 'rural traffic jam' is or will be underway shortly. Take your time behind those combine's and other large machinery making their way down the gravel roads and highways of South Dakota.
And for all of you out there 'making it happen', please be safe!
The Associated Press Contributed To This Article
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