Halloween is just over 2 weeks away. A lot of kids are excited to go out in their costumes and try to collect as much candy as they can.

Now, there are many places in South Dakota to go trick or treating but one town in particular stands out among the rest as the best. 24/7 Wall Street ranked the best neighborhoods to go trick or treating in every state.

Before I unveil the town, the website took in a few factors. The website looked at the number of children 14 or under, crime rate, and house occupancy percentages to come up with the rating.

So the best town in the state of South Dakota to go trick or treating is the town of Brandon! According to the website:

  • Best town to trick-or-treat: Brandon
  • Pop. age 14 and under: 28.7%
  • Avg. temperature on Halloween night: 44°F

According to 24/7 Wall Street:

Brandon, South Dakota, is located 5 miles east of Sioux Falls. And with a population of 9,497 it is Sioux Falls’ largest suburb. An hour’s drive from Brandon, Halloween celebrants can enjoy the Fear Asylum Haunted House in Brookings.

So kids if you are planning on heading out to do some trick or treating this year, tell Mom and Dad to take you you Brandon and load up on candy!

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