2017 Sioux Falls Marathon and Miracle 5K Huge Success
Sunday morning (September 10) miracles were happening here in the Sioux Empire as runners took to the streets for the annual Sioux Falls Half/Full Marathon and Miracle 5K run to benefit the Children's Miracle Network at Sanford.
My wife Patti has been running one of the three races for years. She signed up early, then started the grueling training process throughout the summer months to get in shape.
It's a good thing she signed up way back in January because this year registration was closed the day of the race due to the races being SOLD OUT!
Bryan Miller, Executive Director of the Sioux Falls Sports Authority, commented on the support from around the world. This year's race included "participants from six countries, 40 states, and over 620 cities."
According to my wife, meeting new runners is just one of the exciting parts of this race. Seeing the community members who come out to support the runners always makes her smile! This year the streets were lined with spectators and volunteers cheering runners on, giving them water, and making them laugh!
Some of the spectators even held up signs. A few of her faves this year where:
- At least you are not at work!
- Run faster I just farted!
- Is that a gel pack in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
- Hey!! (Insert name/bib number here) you are doing awesome!
There were no shortage of volunteers this year. The streets were filled with students from our high schools and universities, the Sioux Falls Police Department, Sioux Falls Fire and Rescue, other organizations, and individuals who love this town!
Any runner knows, it is never easy running a full marathon (26.2 miles), half marathon (13.1 miles), or a 5K (3 miles) yet the miles do seem to go by a little easier when you have people encouraging you.
Some people say that running is an individual sport, my wife disagrees. She thinks running is a team sport. On Sunday the entire Sioux Falls community participated with one goal in mind; to help make miracles happen here in the Sioux Empire.
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