Your Kids Are Reshaping How Work Gets Done
Your kids are changing the way work is done. The way you and I did it in the 'old days' no longer applies. Or at least won't in the very near future.
I remember applying for a job by typing out a resume' (yes, on a typewriter thank you very much), driving to a business, handing in that resume', sitting down for an interview and...hoping for the best. Then, if the job came through, it was back-and-forth to that business every day, putting in the eight hours (or often more).
Well, things change.
According to a new study from human resources research firm Inavero and freelancing website Upwork the Millenials and Generation Z (those would be the young adults for those not in the know), the job market is being reshaped.
Well, for one thing, reskilling. Basically, learning new things...and more new things...and then more new things still. I read one article that stated the school kids of today will have jobs that don't even exist yet.
There's also a lot more remote working. No more hopping into the old jalopy and making your way to that brick and mortar place of employment. Thanks to technology, you'll be able to do your job from your home.
And, freelancing. A lot of companies now hire freelance folks because they say it's great for productivity and is cost effective.
So when you look at that fifth or sixth grader, maybe the high school junior or senior, he or she will be working at a job that you've never seen or heard of...and they'll be doing it from home.
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