The investigation was triggered by a visit to the doctor on Tuesday which was the result of a frightening experience a few days before.

Sioux Falls Police Public Information Officer Sam Clemens says the story begins with a young child that needed medical care.

“Grandparents were watching the one-year old and noticed that he was holding his arm different and really wasn’t using it. They took him to a clinic and found out that the arm was broken. That’s where we came in and went forward with our investigation.”

The probe eventually went into some dark places as an argument took place between the mother of the child and her intoxicated boyfriend on Friday.

“The boyfriend pushed her to the ground, bit her in the face and he strangled her to the point where she lost consciousness. When she came to, her one-year old had been in the crib (when the argument started) and was now on the floor crying. She didn’t know what had happened.”

Clemens then says another argument happened and the boyfriend strangled her until she lost consciousness for a second time. The incident was not reported until the child’s injury came to light.

Police arrested the man at the home where the incident took place and faces charges of aggravated assault domestic and aggravated assault against a victim under three years of age. A three-year old girl was present at the time of the incident but was not injured. The suspect is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Editor's note: Due to the nature and severity of the crime, the name of the suspect and the incident location has been withheld. 

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