Who’s a Good Dog? Top Dog Names of 2018
After some numbers crunching - and perhaps a few Milk Bones, too - the good folks at Rover.com released their list of the most popular dog names from 2018. So, if you needed a little inspiration to name your new furry buddy here's a few ideas:
The Top 10 Male Dog Names:
10. Oliver
9. Tucker
8. Bear
7. Duke
6. Rocky
5. Jack
4. Buddy
3. Chopper
2. Charlie
1. Max
Top 10 Female Dog Names:
10. Stella
9. Maggie
8. Bailey
7. Molly
6. Sadie
5. Lola
4. Daisy
3. Luna
2. Lucy
1. Bella
I really couldn't do a dog blog without including our two beloved beasts. The top pic is both dogs, Gracie the St. Bernard, and Kota our Siberian Husky. The picture below is the most slobbery baby of a hound we've ever owned, but she's a great fit for our family and absolutely loves the kids.
In a related note, check out some fun dog stuff, including sitters and walkers at Rover.