Before the big show in November, citizens of Sioux Falls will get a chance to warm-up their circle filling-in and ballot sliding into that box thing, with the school district special election.

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Sioux Falls will be heading to the polls to vote on a proposed bond issue to raise $190 million for school district improvements. The big items on that list for the district are addition three schools, including buying the land for those schools. The bond would also fund lots of improvements and upgrades to other buildings.

When a bond like this is issued, its essentially a loan against future property taxes in Sioux Falls. The bond will be paid off as those taxes are collected. The infusion of money will allow the district to make the proposed improvements.

You can see the District's Bond Referendum Project List here. Voters can also see how the bond will effect their taxes using the Sioux Falls School District Bond Calculator.


The voter registration deadline for this election is September 4. Registration forms must be into the respective county auditor (either Lincoln County or Minnehaha County) no later than 5:00 PM.

Here is what the one question on the ballot says; it'll be a yes or no vote:

"Shall the Sioux Falls School District 49-5, Minnehaha and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota, issue its negotiable general obligation school bonds in a principal amount not exceeding $190,000,000, issued in one or more series, bearing interest at such rates as may be determined by the schoolboard, payable and maturing from 1 and not to exceed 30 years after the date of issuance, for the purpose of financing a new high school, a new middle school, a new elementary school, additions and expansions to existing school facilities, land purchases, other school district improvements, furnishing and equipping same, and costs for the issuance of the bonds?"

To cast your vote, you may not be going to your usual polling place. The District will use 13 vote centers for the bond. Registered voters may stop at any of the 13 polling places on election day to cast their ballot.

If you want to vote early, the District is staffing an absentee voting location at the Instructional Planning Center at 201 east 38th street from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, and on Saturday, September 8, 2018, from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM.

Registered voters can vote in-person prior to election day by bringing along a valid photo identification card (ID), such as a driver’s license, tribal ID, high school, college or university ID or a passport or other federal government issued ID. If a voter does not have a photo ID, they must sign a personal identification affidavit and will vote a regular ballot.

Vote Centers will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on September 18.

Registered voters may stop at any of the 13 polling places on election day to cast their ballot.

  • Peace Lutheran Church
5509 W 41st Street
  • Memorial Middle School
1401 S. Sertoma Ave
  • Career & Tech Ed Academy
4700 W Career Circle
  • Maricar Community Center
400 N Valley View Rd
  • Oyate Community Center
2421 W. 15th Street
  • Asbury United Methodist Church
2425 S Western Ave
  • First Lutheran Church
327 S. Dakota Ave
  • Wesley United Methodist Church
1700 E. 6th Street
  • Kenny Anderson Community Center
3701 E 3rd Street
  • Morningside Community Center
2400 S. Bahnson Ave
  • Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
5500 E. 57th Street
  • Faith Baptist Fellowship Hall
601 W. 57th Street
  • Instructional Planning Center
201 E 38th Street
Soux Falls School District Bond Election Vote Centers
Sioux Falls School District


See Also:


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