What Have You Done For Me Lately? I Bet It Wasn’t What This Friend Did!
I love my friends! Like most people I like to think I have the best group of friends a person could have. I would do just about anything for any of them. But I would not do what my friend Debbie did a couple of weeks ago.
I came home on a Friday afternoon and noticed that someone had de-pooped my yard. I was thrilled! I naturally assumed it was my friends from Dogooders. I thought maybe they heard me crabbing about it on the air and rushed over. When we have years with a lot of snow and I cannot keep up with the digestive renderings of two giant German Shepherds, I hire them, they do an incredible job.(Pardon the expression!)
The next day I got a Facebook message from my friend Jolene at Dogooders, letting me know that it indeed was not them who had done the clean up. My brain reeled! Who in the world had done this huge job? (Again, pardon the expression). I had a mystery to solve and I love mysteries!
I started calling by friends in the handyman business. Nope it wasn't them. I thought maybe my neighbors at the adult respite care next door had hired someone because they were tired of the "crappy" view out of their 3-season porch windows. Nope. Then I called my neighbor Scott. He and his wife Linda have watched over, taken care of and put up with me and my giant puppies for years. No, he didn't do it, but he saw who did.
"She was a little gal, wore a knit hat, had her Ipod earphones in and just went to it! She was out there for hours!" When I asked what she drove and he told me, I knew it was my dear friend Debbie McManus! I kept the secret to myself, until I could take her out to lunch, thank her and check on her mental status. Because, as I said, I love my friends but it would have to be a life-or-death situation before I'd voluntarily take on that kind of task!
That being said, this is a woman who has made me homemade soup when I've had terrible colds, brought me rice cereal, bananas and electrolyte drinks after I was hospitalized with food poisoning. She and her amazing husband Loren held a birthday party for another dear friend at their home, did all the decorations and let me destroy their new kitchen cooking for it. (They even did the dishes!) They even let me shower at their house for over a week when my landlord wouldn't replace my water heater in a timely fashion. And the list of things they have done just for me continues.
Debbie is also the same girl who drove a dying friend to Kansas City so she could spend time with her children. She and her hubby rearranged their entire house to provide a home to relatives and friends going through illness and rough patches. And this list of goodness toward others is also long. So I guess the question should be, "Why am I surprised at all at this incredible act of kindness by this tiny, tenacious titan?"
Every day in every way, I realize how blessed I truly am.