Calling all techies to jumpstart South Dakota in innovative research and development. We need the help.  Apparently, we lag behind in the tech era.

This year America will spend over a half-trillion in technology research, and some states are  contributing more than others. A study by Wallethub reveals South Dakota ranked at number 41 in it's study of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia.

Source: WalletHub

The study used 22 key indicators to determine the rankings by state based on innovative friendliness.

Most Innovative States

1. Massachusetts
2. Maryland
3. Washington
4. District of Columbia
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Virginia
8. Utah
9. Delaware
10. Oregon

Least Innovative States

42. Oklahoma
43. Nebraska
44. Hawaii
45. Kentucky
46. Iowa
47. Tennessee
48. Arkansas
49. West Virginia
50. Louisiana
51. Mississippi

One key stat is that North Dakota has the lowest level of students taking the Advanced-Placement tests in America - at only 13% of it's students.

South Dakota is in the bottom 5 states for lowest venture capitol per capita.

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