Union Gospel Mission Asks Community to “Give Where You Live”
Out of its 120-year history, the Union Gospel Mission is facing one of its most challenging years during this pandemic.
On average the location here in Sioux Falls located at 701 E. 8th Street helps 250 men, women, and children each day this summer according to a recent press release.
One thing that the Union Gospel Mission has noticed during this summer is that giving to the mission has decreased.
“We call it Summer Slump. Giving declines significantly as people are distracted from giving by summer activities and getting ready for the school year,” explained Executive Director Eric Weber. “This year, due to COVID, many donors are hurting, too, and that affects us financially.”
With expenses that have come up during COVID-19, the staff at UGM have had to stretch every dollar they are given. Thus why they are asking the community of Sioux Falls and the greater Sioux Empire to 'give where you live."
The virus's global impact has been felt everywhere and the homeless people who line up outside of UGM still need their services but also need donations from their local neighbors to continue to offer these essential services to our local homeless population.
If you feel like you would like to donate to the UGM you can donate by clicking HERE.
For more general information about the Union Gospel Mission, you can visit their website HERE.
Art Alley 2020