Tuesday (March 20) is National Ag Day. Please join in as everyone celebrates agriculture.

Agriculture: Food for Life is the theme for this year's National Ag Day. The National Ag Day Program was started in 1973 by the Agriculture Council of America.

According to the Ag Day website, Ag Day "is about recognizing  and celebrating the contribution of agriculture in our everyday lives. The National Ag Day program encourages every American to:
•    Understand how food and fiber products are produced.
•    Value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy.
•    Appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products.

Consumers want to be more in touch with where their food comes from now more than ever. And research shows Americans are increasingly confident with the way farmers and ranchers grow and raise food in the U.S.

We live in the part of the world where the very best food is, and we should always feel very lucky for that. Always remember that it's our farmers that feed the world.

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