Captain Jason Gearman of the Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office says a burglary suspect was arrested following tips supplied by the public.

"We were able to arrest 32-year-old Shaun Ruegge. He has a Sioux Falls address. They did a search warrant in Canton. We also did a search warrant here in Sioux Falls [at] his mother's address. We did locate stolen items and we connected him to around four to five burglaries in the area. I guess I'm just here to says thanks to the public for all the tips. They just poured in. We are still getting tips and sorting through all those."

Gearman says authorities are reviewing the stolen items right now.

"There is a bunch of property for us to work on. If you are a victim and you have reported items stolen we will be going through all that. It's a tedious job. Once we figure it out who owns the property we will be giving people a call. No need to call us at this point."

Aside from Minnehaha County, Gearman says the suspect is also connected to burglaries in Tea and Worthing.

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