Minnesota and South Dakota Are Home to Pair of Free Nat'l ParksMinnesota and South Dakota Are Home to Pair of Free Nat'l ParksOur great country is home to 63 National Parks, and there are 20 of those parks that do not charge an entry fee. Bert RemienBert Remien
South Dakota Vacation Traveling Bingo Card Is HereSouth Dakota Vacation Traveling Bingo Card Is HereHere's something new to break up your driving fatigue and to entertain your passengers. Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Start Your Memorial Day Weekend With The South Dakota Vacation GuideStart Your Memorial Day Weekend With The South Dakota Vacation GuideEven if you are a native of South Dakota, this guide is a great conversation piece to share with visiting family and friends.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
The 10 Best Times To Have A Good Time in South DakotaThe 10 Best Times To Have A Good Time in South DakotaHungry? There are flavors you can only find here. Need to be entertained? We have events all year long.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
South Dakota Pheasant Season OpenerSouth Dakota Pheasant Season OpenerBeginning Saturday, October 15 hunters will be walking the most beautiful habitat for the state bird which, according to game officials, harvest numbers are looking good.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
YouTuber Says Travelers Should Avoid Doing This In South DakotaYouTuber Says Travelers Should Avoid Doing This In South DakotaGood to know...Christine ManikaChristine Manika
One Last Minnesota Road Trip Before Summer EndsOne Last Minnesota Road Trip Before Summer EndsLet me take you on a weekend getaway that includes seven cities in two states.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
South Dakota Capital City Ranks The BestSouth Dakota Capital City Ranks The BestIn South Dakota, we work hard and we play hard. Without much of the stress people in other parts of the country deal with.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Memorable Minnesota End-Of-Summer Weekend Road TripMemorable Minnesota End-Of-Summer Weekend Road TripLet me take you on a weekend getaway that includes seven cities in two states. Dave RobertsDave Roberts
Minnesota’s Loop-Trip Includes Wine, Water, Eagles, Pottery, & PieMinnesota’s Loop-Trip Includes Wine, Water, Eagles, Pottery, & PieLet me take you on a weekend getaway that includes seven cities in two states.Dave RobertsDave Roberts