State Won’t Take Part in next Round of Refugee ResettlementsState Won’t Take Part in next Round of Refugee ResettlementsSouth Dakota will not participate in the next round of refugee resettlements announced by the White House last week.Associated PressAssociated Press
Governor Daugaard Adds Voice to Chorus Wanting a Hold on Syrian RefugeesGovernor Daugaard Adds Voice to Chorus Wanting a Hold on Syrian RefugeesSouth Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard issued a statement that joins many other Governors nationwide in their concern about accepting refugees from Syria.Dan PetersDan Peters
Lawmaker Doesn’t Want Syrian Refugees in South DakotaLawmaker Doesn’t Want Syrian Refugees in South DakotaA Republican state representative doesn't want Syrian refugees in South Dakota in the wake of the terrorist attacks that occurred last week.Associated PressAssociated Press