
Ghost Cam?
Ghost Cam?
Ghost Cam?
The trail cam photo of the "ghost girl in the woods" has everyone talking, but is it real? Late lead says perhaps not.
Oujia Board for Kids?!?
Oujia Board for Kids?!?
Oujia Board for Kids?!?
The Oujia board — sold by Hasbro since 1967 — now comes in a hot pink. Yes, now children can enjoy all the fun trying to contact spirits.
10 Spooky Celebrity Ghost Sightings
10 Spooky Celebrity Ghost Sightings
10 Spooky Celebrity Ghost Sightings
It's always sad when a celebrity passes away, but sometimes these strong-willed, vibrant personalities live on long after they have shuffled off this mortal coil. Here are 10 famous folks reportedly still hanging around even though they were "no longer with us."