If you love a good ghost story like I do, then here's one that has the eastern seaboard talking.

When News 10 ABC posted the picture on Facebook, it spread like wildfire. Now, paranormal experts all agree: it's real.

What adds another element of fright to this story is that there's an actual local legend about these woods. A long time ago a young girl was hit and killed by a train that ran on tracks at the edge of the forest.

Paranormal investigators are lining up to help put the ghost girl's "spirit to rest," but they may want to investigate a late lead in the mystery.

A grandfather called local authorities and said that his granddaughter was visiting around that time and they were walking on on old trail used by ATV's and believes that is what the trail cam captured.

While they figure out is this latest revelation is indeed real, it certainly makes for a compelling story.

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